Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Zumba pt. 2

My legs are killing! But I think I released some pent up stress through my workouts today, thank god!

Zumba wasn't quite as fun this week since the regular instructor is on vacation and the stand in was teaching Zumba Gold: a more mellow version of the regular class, for the faint of heart. It was free though, since they're promoting this Zumba Gold class, so that was a bonus at least. I plan on going again next Tuesday for the regular class :)

I walked there and back, which is about an hour or a bit more of walking in addition to this morning's workout and the hour-long class, so I think I may take a day of rest tomorrow, and deservedly so in my opinion!

So I have been craving some seriously bad food this week, but I managed to resist temptation. I had my leftover soup for lunch (though I did have a couple pieces of dark chocolate in the afternoon since I was just about ready to storm into my boss's office and quit (ahhh le PMS does wonders doesn't it). For dinner I had the Salmon I had planned to have, but opted for a really great salad with mixed small, heirloom tomatoes, red peppers, mixed greens, avocado and a homemade dressing. Upon returning from my workout, I treated myself to a piece of cheese and some pomegranate juice, yum!

Alright, I'm off to bed soon, so have a great night everyone!

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