Friday, February 26, 2010

One day closer to spring.

A girl can hope and dream, can't she?

This warm(ish) weather is getting me psyched for spring, so that we can be one step closer to summer. Apparently it's also easier for the body to lose weight in warmer weather, so I need any help I can get! Plus, I need an effin vacation.

I had a good workout this morning. I did 20 minutes on the bike and about 15 minutes of walking. Then time flew by since I only managed to squeeze in leg lifts and the plank, and a bit of abs before 7 a.m. rolled around.

Cereal for breakfast, with a side spoonful of PB, one spoonful of yogurt and a glass of diluted pomegranate juice. I don't know what's with me, but I have cravings now for something salty, something sweet, something rich, etc., and have to have them all at once hahah! At least I'm not over doing it, I guess.

Lentil salad on the lunch menu, though I may go buy something to go with that because on its own this salad is pretty high in calories. I will just eat a bit of it and maybe buy a veggie sandwich or something. For dinner, I am defrosting a steak. It looks enormous though, so I'll have to be creative in reusing half of it tomorrow (in a salad perhaps).

I have my first volunteer shift at Santropol Roulant tomorrow afternoon. Since I couldn't find an opening for the morning shift (preparing meals), for the next couple weeks I will be packing the meals. In three weeks I will get to work in the kitchen, and when the weather starts to get better, I may sign up to do deliveries, since you can do them by bike or walking, which would be great exercise and an excuse to be out in the sun on Saturday afternoons.

Alright, I wish you all a very fast workday, and a frickin great Friday night!

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