Sunday, February 21, 2010

Minor setback

Hey y'allz.

So for today only, I failed myself. But it's okay, there's always tomorrow to make up for it.

After a weekend of going out and eating out (no food at home), I have gained back two pounds. Today, I was a little down, and even though I bought groceries, I ate pretty badly. I didn't eat a lot, just really poor quality.

Tomorrow, I start again. I will lose those two pounds again shortly I'm sure. I did go workout this morning. I did 35 minutes of treadmill, breaking a great sweat. I did pushups, squats, the plank, leg lifts and all of this so that I was in pain (in the good way, meaning I didn't go easy on myself :). Tomorrow morning, back to healthy breakfasts and stable, vegetable-rich eating.

Speaking of vegetables, my "new" items of the month are some kind of Canadian cabbage, sea scallops and hot peppers. Apparently hot peppers help you lose weight, and I just never use them at home, so I decided to try some not-too-hot ones and enhance my cooking repertoire.

Alright, I'm about to cook lunch for tomorrow (half a steak and peppers) and watch the Canadian hockey team whoop the US's big obese behind.

Enjoy your Sunday of rest!

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