Thursday, March 12, 2015

Life now

Well hello there stranger!

This is my fifth week of parenthood and my third day taking care of the boys all on my own during the day as Hairy has returned to work :( I am finding it all manageable and lovely apart from always being exhausted (but that would be the case whether it were twins or not) and something called "cluster feeds". If you don't know what that is, well it's when babies sometime feed repeatedly in a short period. It's more like a cluster f--k if you ask me. Let me explain: Baby 1 is hungry and crying, so I start breastfeeding him. Baby 2 starts crying shortly after so I attempt to feed both at once, which goes so well it puts them to sleep on my lap. I decide to put them to sleep in their bassinet and they immediately start crying with hunger again. I feed for another 30-40 minutes (after spending about 30 minutes already on the first round) and they fall asleep again, or one of them does. I move them and keep feeding whichever of them is still fussing. At times this can all take something like 2 or more hours of breastfeeding, with diaper changes and other tactics to awaken them to keep feeding until they are satiated. So those cluster feeds are infuriating but I have those two adorable nuggets in my face and it is impossible to be angry even though I curse to the high heavens.

I am basically solely breastfeeding now, which comes with it's challenges but is nicer than the routine we had when we first came home. I called in a lactation consultant on the advice of a good friend and it was a wise move. I must say, as much as people warned me I would get all kinds of unsolicited advice while pregnant, so far I have received almost entirely helpful advice and have heeded lots of it. Breastfeeding is nowhere near instinctual. You would think it would be, but really your ability to continue breastfeeding more than a few weeks rests on your ability to get a good latch, which is so particular to you and your baby's mouth. I would encourage anyone who wants to breastfeed to speak to a lactation consultant within the first week or two of birth (I waited a month since I had the help of nurses for the first two weeks in the nursery).

My mom asked me this morning "So, what are your plans for today," and I laughed. I don't really have plans beyond medical appointments, 1-hour visits from guests, etc. My life is breastfeed-changediapers-breastfeed-letbabiessleepandtrytogetafewthingsdoneornapfor20mins-breatsfeed-eat, and so on. We did, however, take our first walk outdoors yesterday (my first time using the stroller). It wasn't easy to get out of the building, so I had to exit/come in through a very dangerous garage/driveway. I asked the person in charge if I can get a key for the handicapped persons' elevator in the lobby and apparently I cannot. So since I can't lift the double stroller down even a small flight of stairs, I am going to have to devise a new plan. It was a good trial run to see what kinds of obstacles there are.

I have lost just 1 lb in the last few weeks. Nutritionists recommend eating 3000 calories a day if you're breastfeeding twins (the objective not being to lose weight), and I am pretty sure I am coming close to that a lot of days thanks to croissants and cookies interspersed with healthier yet low calorie meals. So my main focus is to eat well enough to maintain breastfeeding and my babies' health, but I look forward to dropping down at least another 15 lbs or so to feel more comfortable, say, running or playing beach vball, which I intend to do this summer.

I did manage to organize myself to go get waxed after being a hairy beast since returning from my honeymoon and next week I will get my hair done for the first time since then as well. I really feel good about myself these days. The weight isn't bothering me like it might have in the past (maybe because I feel very fortunate that I was spared any stretch marks and may have nothing worse than a little bit of a loose tummy by the time I get back in shape after becoming SO huge). I felt so down and immobile while pregnant that now I am mostly focused on the feeling of being mobile and active. But for the sake of continuity, I am currently at 179 lbs or so, down from 235 lbs in pregnancy and up from 153 lbs pre-pregnancy. That means I would need to lose 26 lbs to get back to my original weight. All I really care about though is getting down by enough so my boobs shrink and my legs feel lighter so that running is enjoyable and not torture,

Did I mention that when I breastfeed I always end up stuck watching sh-t TV like Dr. Phil because I dare not move one of the babies lest they resume shrieking? I am calling this a lap trap.

Okay, I have to run to attend to one of my spawn. I wanted to write some stuff about non-parent related topics but ran out of time... booo.