Monday, April 26, 2010

More pics, since some of you think my blog is painfully boring.

Hey again, here are some photos of my meals today since one of my loyal readers complained that my blog is so boring.

The first is lunch. The aim was to have something light and healthy that wouldn't irritate my stomach too much and would be easily digested. On one side are organic nacho chips with mild salsa. On the other side is a salad made with fresh basil, cucumber, orange pepper, grape tomatoes, goat cheese, pine nuts, olive oil, salt, pepper and balsamic glaze. It was fresh, filling and delicious.

The next is my dinner. I must add that I had a ginger cookie earlier as a snack, and a part of a slice of pizza, though I took off all the cheese and toppings and pretty much just ate the bread :) Dinner was a trout filet with a homemade glaze made with maple syrup, chopped ginger (the kind sold in tubes), Dijon mustard, salt, pepper, and yeah, I think that's all. That was accompanied with yellow, red and orange peppers, and baked mixed potatoes with chopped fresh garlic, salt, pepper and canola oil. This was really yummy! And it's the first time I have made potatoes at home since starting this challenge, so it was very satisfying.


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