Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The blob

Hi there!

I am feeling a little sleepy this morning. I did not workout. No, I went over to a friend's place for dinner and got home around midnight. I did make an attempt though; I still set my alarm for regular workout time, and said to myself that I would see how I felt in the morning.

It was worth it though. Her and her husband prepared our meal on their fireplace. We had ultra-tender creamy curried chicken (mild yellow curry) and fire-roasted potatoes. They also made a salad with greens and this new fruit I've discovered, citron (looks like a gigantic lemon, but you actually eat the inner rind and the juicy part tastes more mellow and sweet like an orange). The salad dressing was amazing too!

Today I am having some walnuts and a smoothie for breakfast, more leftover pasta for lunch and smokey peppered trout and baby bok choy for dinner (or Brussels sprouts or split peas, not 100% decided yet). I will be going to Zumba with a friend of mine, so that should be a good time. Yesterday I took a good walk at lunch for 30 minutes, but today I will be catching up with a friend, so I will walk to Zumba most likely.

So I hope you all weren't totally messed up by the time change (I know a few people who were hit hard), and that you feel better today. As for me, I am a tiny bit sleepy, but feeling pretty energetic. Have a great day!

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