Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The times they are 'a' changin'

Why hello!

So far, four people have confirmed that they are joining me in this challenge. Some to lose weight, some to gain muscle, some to work on their emotional woes and some to do like me and improve their lifestyle overall. You have no idea how motivating and inspiring it is to see that others want to be a part of this.

Well I may have a hard time losing weight this week, simply because I am trying to eat up all the food that is left in my fridge before I go buy healthy groceries. Normally I buy quite healthy to normal food for my home, but the last batch was particularly indulgent. So I am eating much smaller quantities than usual, but still they aren't the most waist-wise options. I simply cannot throw away anymore more perfectly good food that has gone bad, it is such a waste!

Last night I made a thin crust pizza with bocconcini, salami, fresh basil, garlic, tomato sauce and a teensie-weensie bit of mozzarella (which I then had to throw out because it had expired ha!). So I know it's not exactly a healthy option, but I only ate a little and kept the other part for lunch today. It will be much easier this weekend once I stock up on veggies and fruit and meat for the week.

My mood overall has improved so much since I've begun doing all this, which is fantastic considering how much of a mess I've been for the past year. It is so nice to find some semblance of stability amid my confusing state of affairs.

Well, on that note, I leave you to your own meal preparations, workouts and book reading (ahem, or should I say TV watching?)...Hasta manana!

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