Sunday, January 31, 2010

It's a beautiful morning, la la laaaa!

Happy day of rest to you all!

So, after my last post, I was slowly unconvincing myself to go to the gym. My couch is like a magnet, and once I sit down, I just can't get back up. But then my friend swung by to say hello and she gave me the push I needed to get up and moving: "You're on a mission Leanne, just go!" It worked.

I had a great workout. I did 30 minutes of jogging/walking, followed by intense and burningly(?) painful squats, lunges, leg lifts. A lot of arm and chest work (trying to fight gravity ;)and then a brief ab workout, including "the plank" and crunches on a bench. It may seem like the same workout I do all week, but during the day I am neither as sleepy nor as slow as I am at 6 a.m., so the intensity is cranked to overdrive!

I met up with a friend for dinner and had a great sandwich (roast beef, grilled peppers and chipotle mayo) with a side of vegetable soup, but the sandwich gave me mean breath the rest of the night. We went to see a few local rock bands at a small show, then went to a new (snotty upscale-ish) bar on St-Laurent. Then over to another friend's house for a few people's birthdays. It was a night with a wide variety of goings-on, so it was very fun.

This morning, feeling slightly dehydrated and a little sluggish, I went for brunch with my girls and am now at home. I think I will rest for a while (my stomach is turning after three cups of the inevitably-later-regretted coffee...I should know better by now). Later, I will likely workout all these toxins from my body ha!

Have a great Sunday and get lots of rest to prepare for a cold week! Bisous!

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