Monday, January 11, 2010

Looks like someone's got a case of the Mondays!

Happy Monday everyone!

It's my last vacation day, so the real test is tomorrow and the rest of the week: I want to start working out before work, so I have to get up at about 6:15 a.m. I also have to start making lunches every single day...Please feel free to suggest a way to get around the inevitable lineup of sandwiches I will have to eat. I need food ideas that take 5 minutes or less to prepare in the morning!

I am currently starting off my day with a very small bowl of Kashi Probiotic cereal with organic blueberries thrown in for fun, with skim milk. I am trying to think about what I will have for lunch already, so that I don't skip it and then end up snacking on bad stuff.

Another friend has joined in my challenge and is aiming to lose more than 16 lbs by June 15!!! I am so excited when you guys send me these messages, that is what really makes this blog a powerful motivator for me. Here's to our success!


Jen said...

If you plan on going to the gym before work, I think you should have your lunch prepared at night so you have one less thing to do in the morning. It might be useful to plan your week on the weekend too, if you can. For example, I made beef stew (very healthy and low fat by the way) last night in my famous crockpot, and I have enough for a week! :)

Unknown said...

Je corrobore !

There are many healthy options that you could prepare the night before, and you'd have enough for a couple of days. That will save you money, time, and you'll avoid the sandwith lineup ! Personnaly I often cook larger portions when dinnertime comes, so that I already have my lunch for the day after. I've got at least a good dozen quick, healthy, delicious lunch recipes I can send you if you'd like. Lâche pas ma poule !