Friday, January 8, 2010

A fresh start

Hello friends and readers!

A few ladies were over for dinner last night and as we discussed weight, motivation and bad habits, one of the girls suggested I create a blog like the one created in Julie & Julia as a means of pushing me to fulfill my goals. "What a great idea!" I thought.

Essentially, I've been meaning to get rid of a few bad habits and get in shape. These bad habits go way beyond eating poorly and being sedentary, I need a complete mental and physical overhaul.

Once upon a time, all the stars were aligned and I did maintain motivation and did eat well and lose weight and find my it is possible. But I have learned that I don't cope very well with change and over the last few years I haven't been able to reproduce that lifestyle following many minor and major life changes. Now the time has come for me to take the reins and impose deadlines on myself.

So, here it is, I am saying it, officially...I want to feel great about myself by my birthday, June 15. Without giving away everything at once, this means losing quite a bit of fat, being active in something I enjoy and eating reasonably well while still allowing myself the foods that give me such intense pleasure.

Voila, it's out in the universe. Here we go...

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