Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My 300th post

It's been just over one year since I started my tough little weight-loss journey, and I managed to pop out 300 whole posts in about 360 days. Not bad! That, and lose over 45 lbs and 10 inches off my waist, among other achievements.

All I have to report is that I was down to 139 lbs again this morning, yay! I need to get out and do a bit more exercise, but with the weather at -30 degrees this week, I gave myself a pass, though I did 5 days of volleyball almost in a row hahah!

I ate a delicious dinner. I rarely eat pasta at home anymore as a result of a general dietary overhaul over the last year, but I made spinach fettucini with chopped garlic, walnuts, cherry tomatoes, goat cheese, salt and pepper, along with a salad of cucumber, peppers and feta/lemon. I have saved half for lunch tomorrow.

My point was that pasta has always been a super food for me. It gives me these energy boosts that were much needed in my soccer days. Tonight, after dinner I was just sitting around watching TV, giving my muscles some much needed respite from vball, when I decided to start doing crunches, squats, push ups, etc. Weird.

I haven't been doing much strength training since moving for lack of a gym. I go to the occasional cross-fit or bootcamp class, but I am a very muscular girl anyway, so I don't really feel much need. But today I just had this pasta kick haha!

Anyway, I'm hardly even paying attention to what I'm writing. I'm spaced out right now, so I suppose I should go before I say something silly. lol.

Good evening.

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