Wednesday, January 19, 2011

and we're back.

Back down to 140 this morning, thank ze lord.

Slept well but my mattress is awful. I wish I'd returned it. Now, with the whole bed bugs craze there's no way to sell a used mattress. One of these days, budget permitting, I will get a down pillow top for it and pray that helps. For now, I sleep well on it, but I am constantly stiff and achy from it.

Otherwise, having a good morning so far. It's halfway through the week and I've got volleyball to look forward to. Work is boring, but I'm not complaining. I'd rather it be boring right now than crazy like last week, because my attention span isn't great right now and I am finally managing to make myself sit down and work for longer stretches of time.

I noticed this after the other depression I suffered when I was younger also. My memory and attention span suffered a lot, but I eventually got my focus back mostly. Obviously some things just change with age, but this last year of depression took it's toll as well. Oddly, and happily, I had fewer physical symptoms (when I was younger I suddenly had grey hair, ulcers, memory loss, etc.). This time it was mostly panic attacks and attention span problems. I'm still a little fragile emotionally, but I think I took good enough care of myself to stave off the depression earlier.

Now I'm feeling like me again. Happy, a little insane, excited about life. Loving the people around me and spending lots of quality time with them.

Okay, done rambling now. I've rambled a lot these days...

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