Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Creature of habit

I am just that, a creature of habit who's hard-pressed to adapt to the minutest of changes in her life. I wish I were more adaptable. Some would say I am, but there are limitations. For example: When I travel I seem to adapt to most situations quite well, as proven by my response to the many interesting situations I faced in Nepal and India. I also generally react to news with little shock or surprise and merely carry on. However, those are times at which I am very aware the situation is ephemeral, fleeting, time-bound.

Where I lack the ability to adapt is at home. My routine. My sacred routine. I periodically develop rituals. When I was younger it was prayer and meditation (yes, I used to meditate when I was, like, 12... I was always an odd kid I suppose). Later, it would be in my social habits. Now it is in my eating and exercise and cleaning and sleeping schedule. When it is thrown off by a change, it is completely thrown off. My motivation goes out the window. The good thing is, I've developed a persistence that enables me to get back on the proverbial horse each time I falter now.

Right now I am being moderately active, eating moderately well, and trying to do the best I can with the resources (time, money and energy) I have. I must admit, there are days like today when I am procrastinating big time (I could be getting all kinds of things done right now, but just feel uninspired). But I could be doing much better. I have a few valid excuses, and the rest is just lack of motivation. The good thing is, I thought I might be getting sick, so I went to sleep around 10pm yesterday and will do the same tonight to make sure I am rested.

Anyway, I have volleyball tomorrow and Thursday and cannot wait. I will eventually go stock up on groceries again. I have enough food left to get me through tomorrow on home food I think, but the pickins are slim. I was 141 lbs this morning, so no progress there. Bleh. Will be making resolutions in February.

Have a great night everyone.

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