This time of year is always full of mixed feelings for me. My birthday is important to me, mainly because it's an opportunity to try to get all my friends together for a good time and because I hear from everyone I love. It's sometimes a time of disappointment as I reflect on the past and worry about the future, but generally it's one of my favourite times of year.
I got an early birthday gift today, I was 160! However, and it's a BIG however, it's mainly from not eating over the last two days. Friday I ate so badly at the Relay that I felt nauseous (in addition to the fatigue) for most of yesterday. I went to a baby shower, so my only meal of the day was a yummy burger and snacks and sangria :) Today, after working out I was 160.2. I am so happy that at least I got to see 160, though I am well aware I might be back at 163 tomorrow :)
I have eaten almost nothing today so far too. It's not that I'm starving myself on purpose, it's mostly laziness. I have to clean my apartment, so I wanted to get that done and go workout before going grocery shopping. So that my body doesn't think it's starving, I ate an apple, but that's almost all I have at home and I am putting off going out for food because I'm still kind of tired... I think I will go buy something "take out" to go outside and take a walk, and try to do big groceries tomorrow night at the store that has all the stuff I like.
So yes, I am super excited to have gotten to 160 before June 15th. I am also excited about my plans for Tuesday. Most of you probably know what my plans are, but for the rest of you I will keep it a secret until the 15th. I am taking the day off work, and as I said, I wanted to end this with a bang :)
Alright, I have to get moving. I am so enjoying my alone time right now that it's hard to get myself out the door. But here I go, have a great day everyone!
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