Monday, June 14, 2010


The timer is ticking... I am at the last day of my challenge. eeeeee!

I am feeling pretty good today. Aside from several different pains all over my body, I am feeling in shape. One day of work then I have a day off tomorrow, so that feels nice as well.

I did not workout this morning. It took me hours to fall asleep last night and I initially woke up groggy and angry. Waking up an hour later made all the difference, aside from the fact that I had some pretty horrifying dreams during that hour.

I was 162.6 this morning. I knew I would go back up, but that means I'd be 161.8 or so post-workout :) I may or may not workout tonight, it depends on my plans for grocery shopping and potentially getting a hair cut, and whether my hip still hurts as much as it does right now. I said I would go easy on myself this week, so that's what I am doing :) I should have groceries by tonight though, which means my eating will be easier to manage.

My mission this week is to cut back on sugar a little. In the last month or so (since my schedule's been insane and I haven't been cooking and eating as many veggies), I have been eating probably too much fruit, in addition to becoming a little addicted to sugar in its less healthy forms. The main reason I want to cut back is my teeth. So since I haven't been eating my usual cereal and dairy breakfasts, I ate a slice of cheese this morning, and will try to get something with milk in it, without overdoing it on the fruit. I am still eating products with sugar in them, but I will mainly try to avoid juices and sugary treats... we'll see how the weaning goes.

Time to go to work... I have to think carefully about what to get for breakfast now. Wish me luck :)

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