Thursday, January 10, 2013

My figure(s)

I did an official weigh-in and measurement-taking this morning so I can really start like a champ. It turns out, 10 lbs of extra weight equates to about 1 inch of extra cushion on my body. That's what I've deduced by comparing today's numbers with my starting numbers in 2010 and my lowest numbers, obtained around June/July of 2011 I believe.

My weight as of this morning: 146.5 lbs
My measurements:

Neck: 11.5 in.
Chest: 33.5 in.
Rib cage: 29 in.
Waist: 27 in.
Hips: 32.5 in.
Butt: 37 in.
Thigh: 22.5 in.

I don't like measuring my calves, and I never did before, so even though I think I should, bah!

I have put on about 1 inch everywhere. I'm less concerned about weight and inches than how I think I look and fit in my clothes at this point, but the weight is important for my running.

I think it's also important to mention some other things I've been doing that were part of my initial goals but took longer to achieve: I started actively working on my mental health and relationships. I am trying to rebuild focus/concentration and positive attitude in general, but primarily at work. AND, I am doing my best ever attempt to stay on top of my financial situation and learn about money and finances. I don't want to repeat past mistakes because I am uninformed and scared. Now that I'm debt-free after years and years, I need to know what to do with my income to achieve the things I want to.

For mental health, there are many things involved in this. The foremost being working out, sleeping and eating well, and improved time management. It's a process. I have a tendency to want to get things done asap and in the most efficient manner possible, because I always have the next task looming in my mind. I am trying to take things one piece at a time, and say no even when I am tempted to say yes, to give myself time to breathe. Nobody will ever force you to take a break, only you can do it. Seeking advice/guidance from professionals has been beneficial as well. My main goal is to be able to get many things done, spend time with the people I love, and come home feeling good about life, not drained.

I learned something at work that gave me some insight into my own issues In my management training, I am learning about different personality types. I had to identify my own 'type'. One of the traits of my type is that I do things with other people's feelings in mind all the time. One of the things NOT to do when dealing with someone like me is use guilt/threats/manipulation to get what you want, because this personality type already takes other people's feelings into consideration and finds it insulting to be treated this way. It made me realize why it makes me furious when people tell me "you're always busy, you never have enough time, we don't get to see you enough...etc." While their intentions are good, what they don't realize is that this just pushes me away because I am already fully aware of what I am doing and I already do my best. Guilt trips and such work with people who do not think about others when deciding how to act. All of this helps me identify one source of frustration with my family and some friends and maybe adjust my own behaviour around that or even address it directly with the person.

Anyway, by cutting volleyball, I gave myself more time for friends, family and myself. It makes me sad, but I will resume playing once a week, and instead go to the gym which takes up less time in the week.

Okay, I'm off to enjoy my days off for rest, reorganization and solitude. Have a good one!

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