Monday, January 14, 2013

happily drained.

I just returned from a very productive workout. I ran for 43 minutes, plus eight minutes of walking split pre- and post-run. That was followed by four sets each of 20 sec. plank then 8 pushups, and then 12 jumping squats. I did some deep stretching for my hip/groin (is it called groin in a woman?) to make sure I can continue to run for the year without injury.

I recently noticed something that had been staring me in the face for a whole year (or at least right behind me when I look in the mirror while washing my hands in the gym change room): a sauna! How could I NOT notice a sauna? I, the lover of heat, missed it, but I am making up for lost time. I've already hit it four times this week. I think I'll follow every weekend workout with 10 minutes in it, just to relax.

I weighed in at 146 today. I'm slowly but steadily getting back down to my 'normal' average weight of 143. Once I get there, the 5 lbs to get to 138 will be the hard part. Ugh.

I already feel better after a few days of withdrawing from society and working out, having no plans looming in my mind and being able to get things done around the house that never get done otherwise. I've watched a few good movies, Detachment being a highlight, but I also enjoyed Like Crazy and if you're interested in a light movie that's nowhere close to amazing but is great entertainment on a weekend when you don't want to think, The Mechanic will do the trick. It's a fairly violent action movie, but if I can stomach it, most people probably can. There is also minimal use of trashy women to round out the plot, which is something I appreciate, and the lead actor reminds me of Hairy, so that's an added perk for me. Oddly enough, one night as he and I walked home from a restaurant on an empty main street, late at night, this past summer, a bunch of girls drove by in a car screaming "we love you Jason." Whatever this may have been, I am almost certain they confused him with Jason Statham. My thought was "how could it be Jason Statham if he's walking around town with a short, round girl like me and not some tall model?" ha! I don't actually want to look like a model, but it's a fair question. I actually just looked up 'Jason Statham girlfriend' in Google images and precisely, she is some super tall, skinny blonde.

Before I get to doing my household chores, I had to eat something or I'd pass out. I had an apple and then a smoothie with pineapple, blackberries, blueberries, coconut water and no fat Greek yogurt. It's better without the coconut water but I was just trying to mix it up a little.

I'll admit, yesterday I had two croissants (I made some mean ham and swiss sandwiches though) and today I had one. So I'm not going to pretend everything I am doing right now is "on track," but at least I am not eating all the garbage that has no nutritional value, including Diet Coke and cheap cookies, so that's a start. Also, Hairy and I have been making soups with our organic produce basket goodies. The one we made yesterday was delicious: veg broth, yellow curry, sea salt, pepper, celeriac, carrots, potatoes, onion, garlic, parsnip... all of that pureed. Delish!

Okay, I have to run. Or actually stroll lazily into the shower and then heat up some of that soup I mentioned, and homemade hummus, for lunch. Yumsy.

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