Saturday, January 19, 2013

comme ci comme ca

147 this morning (in my defense I was back to 146.5 yesterday after my pasta binge the previous evening)... but I also ate a big plate of pasta last night. Quite frankly though it's because we having nothing but veggies and carbs in the house and no proteins I wanted, and I am sick of eating take-out food even if I've been eating the healthy stuff.

I worked out after work: 45 minutes on the treadmill with 40 minutes running, followed by 15 dips, 12 or so chin ups, some handstands (yes, handstands are part of my workout), about 80 mountain climbers, and then stretching. I also tried to see how much I could bench press, after seeing Hairy's friend lift 115-lb freeweights on either arm. I managed to lift 25 lbs (50 in total) for seven reps, and I thought I was strong, but man was that rough.

Today I am in a little bit of pain from the handstands (it's like riding a bike, except the pain is in the traps instead of my ass). I will go workout in a few minutes and then hit the saunaaaaaahhhhh! Yessss.

I just had my favourite breakfast smoothie (I have cut back on this since I'm working out less and it's fairly high calorie / protein, but makes a great pre-workout breakfast): no fat Greek yog, blueberries, spinach, a banana, peanut butter, a shot of espresso, almond milk, a spoonful of cacao, and after blending, two scoops of "Aphrodisiac" oatmeal cereal, which is delishusssssss. It may sound weird but it's like a PB-banana-coffee smoothie and you can't taste the rest.

I have to share something a little sad right now. My aunt is dying of cancer and has been fading quickly for the last few weeks. I just received a text saying she is unresponsive right now, so I am going to try to workout quickly and move up my plans to get out there earlier in the day than planned. The reason I wanted to mention this on the blog is because after three years, I have noticed something that is too uncanny not to speak of. I have had several dreams about my teeth falling out or being injured and weak and damaged. Every time I have one of these dreams, I am informed of bad news about someone's health. When I had my first dream like this, I had mentioned it to people and all of them told me it's a bad omen. I don't necessarily believe in dream interpretation, but it's starting to get creepy since I had a dream like that this past night, and as I brushed my teeth I said I should brace myself because I am probably about to get bad news about my aunt.

The upside is that it hasn't necessarily meant death. When I had my first dream like this a few years ago, I received a phone call telling me my grandma was in the hospital with two weeks to live. Two years or so later and she looks beautiful and energetic as ever, though her heart is very weak (you wouldn't be able to tell by looking at her though). Another time, there were several people ill but none of them died. My aunt is unresponsive, which is to be expected now, but I am hopeful I'll have time to make it there to say goodbye...

On that note, I need to go take care of my own health for a little bit. Off I go back to the gym.

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