Friday, September 10, 2010

Testing, testing

Well, I FINALLY made it to the gym for once. Thank god a few people have cancelled plans (normally I get angry at flaky people). I was actually giggly when I found out my plans for after work drinks and my Sunday plans were cancelled, so I have some time to breathe...sort of.

I decided to do grocery shopping...not for me of course, but for one of two birthday parties I must attend tomorrow, in two completely different and hard-to-access parts of town, without a car. For one of them, it is a potluck-a concept I have come to loathe-so I am bringing a bunch of ($$$) cheeses, fruit and crackers, because I never EVER have the energy, time nor interest to prepare a meal that a bunch of people will eat (I do not enjoy cooking for others, contrary to most people, there's simply too much pressure for me).

I then got to test out my new workout clothes, but since I ate a few squares of peppermint dark chocolate and a kiwi right before (to tide me over to my unhabitually late sushi plans for later) I felt like puking on the treadmill. I did a total of 15 minutes, with about 4 of those running. I then went on the bike for 6 minutes before doing some pushups,crunches, dips and squats. Now Im back and ready to eat.

I can vouch for Lululemon (again $$$) workout gear. It is worth every penny.

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