Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Hi guys,

Excuse my habitual absence. This time I can say that it has not meant I haven't been pushing myself hard. First of all, here is my workout routine lately:

Mon-Thurs: Beach volleyball
Tuesday: Started playing soccer last week
Wednesday/Saturday/Sunday: usually some bootcamp once a week, and running on the other days weather permitting, or trying out something new like Aussie football
Friday: my day off :)

There are other forms of physical activity that would not be proper to mention, but let's say my weekends are intense physically ;)

Food-wise, I've pushed myself just a little to try to bring in lunches a few times a week, and eat at least two homemade meals per day. For my takeout meals, I choose hearty salads, meal replacement shakes, or otherwise balanced meals that include carbs, protein and veggies.

I am at 139 still, but I am looking a lot more muscular these days. For now, I am very pleased. I would love to be a little leaner to see more muscle, but there is the issue of having a bit of extra skin from the weight loss. So I'm not sure I can lose much more weight without having flab, despite my very-fitness.

Anyway, mentally I am feeling good. I've had some random ups and downs and I am keeping a close eye on my emotional health these days. But being rested helps me a lot. I've been waking up earlier, more easily lately, and have been feeling generally more energetic. The exception was in the past few weeks when the noise from my street was keeping me up every night.

Alright. I'm going to finish my fruit smoothie (blueberries, blackberries, greek yogurt, walnuts, mango juice, water and Vega Whole Food Optimizer-half scoop-) and homemade espresso from grains bought at my local cafe. So goooooooood.

have a wonderful day!

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