Wednesday, July 13, 2011

some new things

This week has been a bit hellish in its own very special way, but all's well that ends well I say, ad nauseam(sp.?)

I went through some major, major PMS issues, had some family health scares, arguments with the ex, and other odds and ends that were nothing short of frustrating to deal with. On the flip side though, I had two nights of good sleep and hope to get another tonight now that the weather's cooled off. I've been amazing when it comes to exercise, and pretty much amazing when it comes to eating, EXCEPT that I've managed to keep my weight down AND enjoy ice cream almost every day for the last two weeks. I have redeveloped an addiction, but this time it is much more contained, controlled and responsible. I feel no guilt. None. Now that, my friends, is progress.

I'm now charting every feeling or symptom of whatever that I have, for the next three months, to see if I do indeed suffer from PMDD, or if it's really just PMS aggravating a pre-existing condition. Only time, and careful note-taking, will tell.

So tonight I decided to bite the bullet and give Aussie football a try. I've been invited several times on this site I am a huge advocate of called Have been since it began last year. Anyway, I keep turning down the invitations because Wednesday night is rarely good for me, but I decided tonight was the night. Turns out, it was quite fun to learn, and I am not bad at all! It calls on similar skills to those used in basketball, soccer, volleyball and football (I am good at volleyball and soccer, terrible at the other two, but the KEY skills are those that come from my sports of choice). Most of the players were extremely friendly and helpful Aussies who've recently moved here and needed this little piece of home.

I am off to bed shortly. Am slightly bloated, but eating well and keeping my weight down. Still need to try harder on the food end though to manage to lose any more pounds, but for now my body's getting firmer again and I am very much liking the results.

Power to you!

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