Friday, July 15, 2011


Hi munchkins.

Sitting here, enjoying a "meal replacement" smoothie which isn't really replacing much because I still put in Greek yog, spinach and plenty of fruit on top of the Vega Whole Food Optimizer (berry). I am testing out this product as well as the Vega Sport Performance Optimizer to see what it all does. I've never been one to replace real food with powders and gunk like this, but I am trying something different.

My weight loss seems to have stalled permanently around 139-140 (we'll see when aunt flo leaves) but with all the extra working out and careful eating, my body is getting very toned. My boyfriend said my back is very toned, and I have noticed my arms and thighs and abs are looking different. I am going to keep this up for a few more weeks and then take a few days off. I've worked out every single day this week, so I will need to decide on a day off sometime soon haha. Monday-Thursday were beach vball plus walking, Tuesday a 50-minute run, Wednesday was Aussie Football (something I had never seen played before and was trying out) and tonight I may go to a gym.

Speaking of Aussie Football, I went to the practice of a local team. Since the sport requires many, many players, they leave their practices open to anyone since it's not a very big sport here. Almost everyone playing was Australian, and everyone was friendly and helpful. I did have a pretty awesome kick to begin with, and my handpass isn't bad, but there's a lot to thinnk about at the same time, and so it may take a long time for me to learn the intricacies of the game.

One piece of great news is that I am finally starting to really make a dent in my debt load accumulated over the last 4 years of bad decision making, and with each slice I knock off, I feel a load off my shoulders. I am starting to be able to breathe again... yes.

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