Thursday, July 28, 2011

a bike ride and a cool breeze

Bon! C'est fait! I had my vintage-feel-but-not-actually-vintage-super-awesome bike tuned up and took it for a long spin yesterday... gee whi that's neat!

I rode all the way across town to see some friends, and then back home, and it felt amazing.

The unfortunate thing is always the one or two drivers who don't see you coming, but I ride really slowly and almost always follow the rules, unlike many cyclists here who seemingly have a death wish. I was a little nervous riding through main streets (I haven't used my bike downtown on a weekday in years), since I mainly use my bike for leisurely excursions along the waterline in summertime.

I'd like to start riding more to get from A to B, but I'm too scared to lock it up on the street it's so pretty. Bikes are a hot commodity in most cities, so I don't take many risks.

In good news, I've been 138.2 for two days, and I know that with about 10% more discipline I am probably actually 136-137 lbs (having many beverages late at night will shift the numbers hahah, I know... nitpicking...but a girl's gotta try right?).

So I am continuing to push push push. Wish me luck EVER getting past 135 please, I need all the help I can get!

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