Volunteer work... check!
Walking for over 2 hours...check!
Going to the gym to compensate for upcoming Indian food... check!
Eating Indian food at favourite restaurant, to excess... check!
Watching a fantastic movie, Incendies, and figuring out the "punchline" halfway through but still loving it... check!
Weight, only slightly higher but not scary. I will be eating at restaurants twice today too, so I will be careful to include veggies and not so much fat as I ate yesterday. But as a safety precaution, I am walking to meet my friend for brunch. It is 1 hour from my place on foot, if not more. I don't know if I'll walk home, but most likely, because it is soooooooooooo beautiful outside, despite the fact it's only about 3 degrees (?!?) right now. "They" say it will be warmer all week, but it's like we're in pre-winter weeks already. Where did my wonderful fall go?
Okay, off to eat my kiwi and get ready for a big, long walk outside :)
Have a wonderful day.
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