Thursday, February 28, 2013

uggghhh. what a night.

I am blogging right now because I am exhausted and need ways to stay seated upright and distracted from what I've been suffering through since about midnight.

I believe it is food poisoning, though the two-way tango makes it evoke much more amusing mental pictures.

I have had three big episodes of painful heaving and other less shareable experiences, interspersed with a brief moment of relief afterward followed by hours of nausea. To get any sleep at all, there was only one position that sufficed: sitting almost completely upright in a ball, leaning to the left... not the right, the left only. I have been trying to stomach glasses of water and boiled water with salt and honey. Soon Hairy will wake up and go get me ginger ale and crackers and I'll eat some bland food today. I'm really excited for ginger ale and crackers at this point.

I haven't had a stomach flu since just before moving to this city, 6 years ago. I do rather well at being all organized and proper through the messy stuff, but I especially hate the dull, lingering nausea in between spells. The heaving only matters for a few seconds.

Anyway, the bright side is that I just took a shower right after my third episode and brushed my teeth and feel a lot cleaner and my skin doesn't hurt so much with my temperature more normal now. Since it's a decent time to be awake, I will try not to sleep in that uncomfortable position and wait til the bed is free for me to setup a TV watching nest and sleep space that's more comfy.

I hope you're all having a better day than I.

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