Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Getting back to it


I'm back to blogging, back to watching calorie intake and being a little more cautious about what I eat. I was back to 141 this morning. phew! I would really, really like to get to 135 soon. The lowest I got was 135 for about a split second, and it will be tougher than usual, but I need to start pushing myself again.

If nothing else, I try as hard as I can (when I run out of groceries) to always, always eat breakfast at home and healthy. This is so that I give myself a good start to the day and know that I've eaten low-cal so my lunch can be more substantial.

I need to be careful because I'm going to visit family tonight, and that's always where I veer off-track the most. I also have a restaurant dinner coming up. I need to get back to my habit of looking at the menu beforehand (online) and choosing what I'll eat in advance, so I don't succumb to my whims.

Alright, just polishing up a bowl of organic Greek yog, almonds, blueberries and high fibre Kashi cereal, plus two tiny nectarines, and I'm off to work.

Have a great day!

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