Tuesday, June 14, 2011

alas, a new post!

I am sorry for being away so long. I also can't guarantee another post in the immediate future, but I wanted to let you all know I haven't jumped ship completely.

To sums things up, I had a burnout. Or started to anyway. With work, freelance projects, social and family obligations, etc., I was starting to have anxiety attacks on a regular basis. I reached a point where I cancelled all "extras" and only worked, to give myself time to sleep. I am feeling much better now, and my boyfriend is taking me away for three days in a cottage by a lake for my birthday, which is just what the doctor ordered.

I thought, if anything, I should mention (since my weight loss has stagnated and I don't have much to say these days) that I ran my very first 5 KM race on Sunday. My time was 28:14:4... not bad, not amazing, but not bad.

Considering I hated running up until about two months ago, I am thrilled. I am continuing to challenge myself and push my limits. For my own pleasure, I ran for 60 minutes on Friday (almost 10 km)... so I think my goal of making it to 10 km will be accomplished sooner than later.

Eating is fairly on track and exercise too. All that's missing right now is proper sleep. I am counting down the minutes til I leave for the cottage on Thursday, eeeeeee!!!

I hope you're all doing amazingly. I will catch up with all your blogs when I have a bit more time. Plus I have more stuff to talk about eventually.

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