Sunday, March 31, 2013

Spring in my step and short-lived dreams

Happy Easter, Pasqua, Pacques, Pesa!

I am celebrating by finally taking the time to do my nails, eating a Magnolia Bakery red velvet cupcake and getting ready to go to Hairy's grandparents' house for Easter lunch/dinner... a Portuguese feast of deliciousness.

The weather has been beautiful lately, so I took advantage to finally get some air and light exercise this weekend. I was down to 140-141 lbs this morning thanks to losing muscle from being in bed all the time. It's a good thing since I feel lighter, but I've been eating whatever I want because I don't like the feeling of losing weight and feeling weaker. Now I will slowly start getting active again. Hairy and I made a deal to run together once each weekend now that the weather's nice. In addition to volleyball (starting in May) this will keep me much more motivated, and I wont mind going to the gym a couple times a week in between.

In food news, the ever impossible task of importing a half dozen cupcakes from NYC for my personal enjoyment was achieved at long last by my friend and former manager who shall be named Foodie for blogging purposes. As a fellow food-obsessor, she truly understands where this need for the cupcakes comes from and was able to deliver the goods. I am sad that Magnolia Bakery changed the icing for the red velvet, but their cupcakes are still the best. I can only chock it up to the fact they have found the perfect icing to cake ratio, and their cake is always soft, fluffy yet dense enough to feel rich. Every other cupcake place I have tried has one good one maybe, but none have managed to achieve this level of cupcakey perfection. I don't really like cupcakes apart from theirs, and a couple of random ones from various locations.

Yesterday I walked 10 km in total. First walking around my hood with Foodie, then walking around another hood with another friend, let's call her Noblet. After walking with Noblet, I walked back home from downtown, and took some time to take side streets and check out a park I'd been meaning to have a look at. In fact, Hairy is looking for some outdoor basketball courts that would be usable for his team or for his own practice. We found one close to home, but when we went to play, it was still covered in slushy snow. We had decided to go buy a shovel and remove the snow ourselves, but ended up stopping for lunch and lost our motivation. Since then though, I have found two other snowless courts, so it's good we didn't waste our time. Soon Hairy and I will go head to head on the courts, where he will witness me butchering his favourite sport. I may have been born athletic and raised to play all sports, but basketball is my worst by a long shot. I was known as Airball in elementary school, which is the last time I ever really played, obviously.

As I walked around those side streets, in an area that I foresee being the place of my future home, I found the street I would LOVE to live on. It had colourful, well-maintained duplexes that this city is known for, but hidden away among many less beautiful streets. For a brief moment, I thought I had found my future street and let my imagination wander. Then, I got home and looked up the homes that are for sale there, and my dreams were dashed. There is no way I would be able to afford a home there anytime in the next 10 years, so that's out. Fortunately, for now, the other less beautiful streets still have many reasonably priced homes. I guess I'll have to just walk that street and dream...

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