Monday, December 13, 2010

bumper cars v. rollercoasters

Hi there!

I hope you all had a nice weekend. I had a lovely one.

I just found out I have a reader I thought had dropped off, so now I realize I'm not just writing to myself and one person I don't really know... That makes me nervous hahha!

Recently, with everything happening in my life, my good friend laughed in response to one of my emails, because she thinks I'm on a "fascinating rollercoaster of emotions". Well let's just say this weekend took it up a notch to emotional bumper cars. At one moment I'm in an exhilarating state, the next, hit with some pretty awful news. Bam, like that, life humbles you. But if there's one thing I've learned, is that death is a moment to mourn someone's loss but truly to celebrate the impact they had on you. Obviously, this isn't so easy to do when it's your close friend or relative, but in my case, I am mostly upset for my friend and her family, who now have to grieve the loss of a great man too early, and also deal with the fact they saw him suffer so badly for the last four months. Life can be so cruel... always count your blessings.

In my case, I count them all the time, and am really enjoying life these days. People around me are showing me so much love and support that I can't help but feel like the luckiest person.

In less dramatic news, I am still in wretched pain from the bootcamp class on Saturday. I'm hoping this will mellow out before 8 pm, when I play volleyball. All weekend I've been cursing at stairs, chairs and beds, since any time I have to walk up or down, or get up from a seated position or lying down, it feels like I'm in my 250th squat. I guess the workout was "effective", but I don't like being out of commission this long. I think volleyball might help though.

I just ate another homemade breakfast and it's so refreshing. Even though I make sure to eat a lot of veggies and fresh food when I eat out these days, none of it tastes as pure and fresh as homemade meals.

Okay, I'm off to kill another 15 minutes before I have to go to work... have a great day!

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