Thursday, January 31, 2013


Hi. I am 148 point something this morning but I ate Indian food very late last night so I figure my weight is really still at about 146.5 "en temps normal".

I am feeling mostly better. I went to a different gym yesterday: one that's closer to work, fancier, and much busier. I don't really like it, but I could get used to it for now until I'm better equipped to go back to my regular spot.

After doing a 30 minute run on treadmills that are so different from the older ones at my regular gym that I could barely figure them out, I did 15 pullups in 3 sets of 5. Unfortunately, I managed to badly pull a muscle in my neck and now cannot look to the left or upward (which means Hairy has to crouch down to my level for a kiss now :) It feels a bit better this morning, so that's promising.

Here's an interesting article:

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