Thursday, December 29, 2011

let's have a quickie, shall we

Christmas is done. It was nice. A lot of details I will not bore you with (or let you too far into my intimate life), but I gave meaningful gifts, received many generous ones that were very appreciated, and had lots of memorable moments with my family and that of my better half.

I am fat though. well, relatively speaking. I am NOT fat, but I am bulging out of my clothes a little more than I'd like, and crossed my weight threshold (the number I set for myself to always maintain as a maximum). So I am working on getting those numbers down and coming up with my game plan. I am just waiting to sort out if soccer is in the cards for winter. If not, I'll play vball twice weekly, then probably hit a gym.

I am loving work this week with no one around. It's so calm and there's barely anyone in the city. The muffled tranquility of inside my winter coat's hood and scarf make walking to the metro in the morning all the more enjoyable too.

For new year's eve, I'll be doing exactly what I did last year: spending the evening with my boyfriend at a place we're housesitting that is amazing, and he'll be cooking dinner, as usual. We'll most likely spend it watching a movie or the show Community, the Season 1 episodes of which we're watching one after the other.

Alright, I am off to meet my namorado for dinner and coffee with a friend.

I wish you all a very sloppy and love-filled New Year's celebration, whatever it is you do. I hope that the next time I write, I'll be talking about my having started working out again and getting uber fit. Oh and my boyfriend and I are supposed to go to drop-in circus school sometime in January to learn handstands properly, among other things, and this is SO VERY VERY EXCITING to me.

Talk soon.

1 comment:

♥ Drazil ♥ said...

Housesitting sounds fun. Enjoy!