Sunday, November 7, 2010

Backward motion

I have to give myself a little bit of s$%^ today. The last week was a DISASTER food-wise. I have eaten every bad food I normally say no to, all in one week. From nachos and cheese galore at the movies, to Lafleur's and IKEA hot dogs, to cheap, unhealthy pizza... I've run the gamut of over-fatty, over-salty, non-nutritious food.

To make matters worse, I am not weighing myself daily and am only doing volleyball, and I can feel I've gained a couple of pounds. This wouldn't bother me so much if I had already achieved my goal, but I had gotten to just 10 lbs away and this move just threw me for a loop. I don't deal well with routine changes, clearly.

The good news is I've started over as of today. I went to a free Lululemon class, which was Capoeira this week. It was tough but not suuuuper fun. Next week the class is called "Strong is the new skinny", whatever that means. But I am strong and not skinny, so I guess it's suited to me.

I built an IKEA Kivik couch today. No one should have to build a couch!!! However, with a tiny female friend to help me, we put the thing together with but ONE teensie-weensie glitch. I am not going to put my bed frame together until my bedroom is painted this weekend, and I buy a mattress.

I would rather not have all IKEA furniture, but for the big pieces I need things urgently, and it's cheap. All the other cheap places only have stuff that I do not like at all, like big, ugly couches and overly elaborate pieces.

Today's mission, in addition to the already-completed Capoeira and couch-building, is paint-buying. I need to have everything ready since my parents are coming next weekend, and my dad will be helping to paint my bedroom. I'd like to paint everything, but I don't want to ask too much of him, so just the bedroom for now, and perhaps the other rooms when I can pay someone to do it.

They are bringing me a scale, which is something I need as a daily reminder of my goal. I will go buy some food today so I have no choice but to eat good home stuff.

Hasta banana

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