Tuesday, January 27, 2015

35 weeks pregnant with twins and maternity leave begins

Today is my first day off work completely since I am starting my mat leave early (although MUCH later than my doctor recommended--usually between weeks 20 and 30 for mothers of multiples, for preventive reasons).

I'm sorry to sound like a drag, but I still feel like arse basically all the time, however I feel like now that I know I have 3 weeks left at the very most, my attitude is shifting (ask my husband and he'd surely disagree, but inside I feel slightly more accepting of the pain/swelling). I still cry daily from frustration and fatigue, and I still bitch and moan to anyone who'll listen, but it's only because when you're pregnant you can't take any drugs or even most natural remedies, so you just have to kind of suck it up and deal, and I guess I just don't "deal" very gracefully ha!

I am typing with my right ring finger only because of carpal tunnel syndrome, but I don't have 1000 emails to answer at work anymore, so writing a few key messages a day is a nice reprieve. I am cutting back on texting and emailing and amping up my phone time instead, but anyone who knows me well knows answering the phone is one of my biggest "fears" I suppose you could call it, or maybe anxieties, rather. I am also refusing almost any visitors except the people who help take me to my doctor's appointments (I am capable of coming/going by taxi alone, but I need help getting shoes and socks on for instance). That's because, since my last post I have ballooned another 20 lbs... for a whopping total so far of 70 lbs!!! My prediction of 60 lbs is out the window thanks to major swelling in my legs.

Plus, the babies, as of last week, were estimated at 5.3 lbs and 4.7 lbs, and this week I feel they've grown, so I'm carrying anywhere from 9-12 lbs of baby plus all the other stuff. I am so thankful for the internet at times like these, since I spend my time looking up things like "35 weeks pregnant with twins + swelling or + miserable or +70 lbs gained" and I find other women (even some who gained more weight with just one baby) who have gained way more weight than is recommended, yet without having a horribly unhealthy lifestyle, and also who managed to lose all or most of it without doing much of anything (even for some who didn't breastfeed). Phew! My new prediction is 85 lbs gained by the end.

I now have to go to three appointments per week: 1 to the doctor for general/vaginal exams and tests, 1 for sizing ultrasounds and 1 for nonstress tests (a test to check that the blood flow to the babies is adequate in my case). The rest of the weeks should be spent resting, reading, watching TV, cleaning, taking baths to relieve some swelling, and so on,

Okay, I am going to stop blogging now, I had all kinds of ideas for a great post and it turned out to be just another rambling stream of consciousness, so I am cutting myself off. ha!

Have a great day everyone. Hopefully this time next week I am about to go into labour since they'll both be a great weight by then and I wouldn't have to wait the full 38 weeks!!!

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