Tuesday, October 4, 2011

oh the rain.

I don't hate rain. but as an outdoor sports and runnning girl, I am feeling pretty blue. I was on a roll with my exercise, and finally reached 135, and now, after days of doing barely any exercise because it's simply too cold and wet (I'd be fine with one or the other, but not both), I am back up on the scale. I've been careful enough food-wise, but every day I wake up and the weather is crap I get more and more frustrated.

The real problem is that I haven't been playing beach volleyball because the management keeps changing, and thus keeps changing the league information, prices, start dates, etc. It now looks like I'll only be playing 1 night a week, 2x2. Luckily, I MIGHT have a great partner, and fingers crossed they stick to the latest info they gave me.

So for the time being, I'm playing indoor soccer once a week, have been trying to run a couple times a week (not with this weather though), and have been subbing on court volleyball and/or playing drop-in beach for the last few weeks. I try to walk at lunch, but this weather (and having to buy my lunches this week) has taken that from me as well.

I am almost done my book, and it is amazing. I am sad that it's ending.

Oh, and I can't wait for my Thanksgiving weekend with my family this weekend. It's also my dad's 65th / retirement party on Saturday, weeeee! I'll probably get one game of squash in, with him, this weekend, but wont have time for much more. Weather permitting I will run. I will!!!!!!

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