Monday, April 11, 2011


So my mood remained odd all day yesterday, but I'm pleased to announce I feel normal today. I was soooo spacey yesterday I not only left water boiling while I took a nap, I also left an empty pan on a lit burner for 10 minutes, in addition to many other mess-ups. I was 139 this morning. Still not thrilled, but it's early in the week and the scale MUST move. In any case, my measurements haven't changed and my body is looking tighter, so I realyl shouldn't care so much about the scale. But for the sake of accomplishing my goals, I do. Food is still quite thrown-together, but tasty at least. Soooooo not into cooking right now... I wish hot dogs and Mac'n'cheese were made of fish and veggies and olive oil, etc (but still tasted like hotdogs and Mac'n'Cheese) so I could just nuke my food. Mind you, I don't own a microwave, so I'd still have to cook that stuff the right way....ugh.

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