Thursday, December 1, 2011


Excuse me if I have posted before-and-afters in the past, but this one goes to Big C, who asked me for some. The problem is that I absolutely don't want to post really unflattering photos of myself, out of respect for my chunkier self, but these ones don't quite capture how "bulky" I think I'd become. In any case, I've provided two face shots and two full-length photos, so you get an idea. I send huge props to my fellow bloggers trying to lose four times the amount of weight I lost. As we say in French, courage!

Me at a wedding in 2009 I think, immediately after a breakup.

My face in 2006 in Chennai, India.

Me at a wedding in May 2011, with my new man and looking and feeling so much better than the year prior.

Me in October 2011, now having reached my goal of 50 lbs, and able to indulge in such delicious meals without stress.

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