Tuesday, August 9, 2011


My tummy's been upset for the last day and I spent yesterday afternoon off sick from work to rest. I still haven't figured out if I am actually sick or this is post-weekend-indulgence indigestion and exhaustion... but I'm not taking any chances, so I am eating very bland food today.

This past weekend I got to see friends from Quebec City, from Toronto, my parents, my boyfriend... and last night, my close friend who just got back from a vacation in Lebanon.

Tonight, after soccer, I'll be going to a friend's house for a clothing swap (a bunch of people bringing all their unwanted clothes to a party for possible exchange...eee). I barely have any clothes left from my heavier days, but the nicer stuff will be brought, and I hope I will find some interesting stuff (I always love other people's clothes!!)

After getting down to 137 last week, then all the way up to 142 yesterday from weekend bloat, I am back to 138 after eating VERY lightly yesterday and hydrating. I am hoping to be very disciplined here until I leave for Toronto for the weekend, then in Toronto just make sure to be a little careful, so when I get back, I can begin really trying harder to get past 135. I was so close.

Okay, off to work. gurgle.

word of the day: borborygmus (I might be spelling it wrong, but look it up. I use it all the time now hahaha)

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