Saturday, May 28, 2011


I shouldn't title my posts until after they're done. My last post, called "Advertorial" such and such, was, in part, meant to cover the subject of flossing.

Essentially, I want to say how important flossing is, and I rarely adervtise any brand, but I strongly recommend anyone who hates flossing to start using the waxless flosses that are growing in popularity, since they are less likely to make your gums bleed. And if your excuse for not flossing is that your gums bleed, well that passes after just a few times of flossing. But you should also use extra-soft toothbrushes...

I know this seems random, but frankly, most people don't floss, and oral health has strong ties to overall health, and a strong correlation with pancreatic cancer and other serious illnesses. Not only that, no one might be telling you that you have horrible horrible breath, and flossing can save you from this.

Maybe one day I'll write more articulately about this, but for now I am just rushing to get this point across since I forgot in my other post. Gotta run! Get flossing!

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