Friday, May 27, 2011

feeling glum

Maybe it's the rain, and the resulting inability to exercise outdoors, or maybe the PMS, or both, but I'm feeling blue... and fat. Well not fat per se, since I hate skinny people who call themselves fat, but feeling heavy.

Basically, I am totally healthy weight-wise, and the remaining weight I want to lose is more for aesthetics and also to keep myself just a bit farther from 140, which to me is my healthy threshold. I would like to be 125-130, so that anything below 140 is maintenance... and 140 is when I kick it into high gear, but for now I am still hovering around 140. I was 140 this morning after jumping to 143 (not really, it was more about food timing than actual real weight gain), but I need to keep my eating patterns healthy and regular.

Anyway, I can't write much right now, but hopefully the sun will shine this weekend...

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