Friday, March 14, 2014

I know, I know... same old story!

I am back. Who knows for how long this time. But I am back for now.

I had gotten to week 14 or something of my 21 km running program (on my own since Hairy had gotten injured), and ultimately decided I don't actually want to strive for that goal anymore, and even though I wanted to try running in the cold weather, than cold is DEFINITELY not for me. Nevertheless, I managed to run until it got down to about 5 degrees, so for that I am proud.

Since then, months have gone by, months of hectic work weeks, wedding planning which has mostly been fun, and other things. In January, after several successful weeks of going to the gym, I ultimately decided to stop working out, since the time I would spend on that was becoming a precious rarity I needed to be able to function at work. I also started missing Portuguese classes and volleyball on occasion, to make time for rest in between the other stuff. I also took up stress eating. Though I have always had issues with overindulgence, never was it tied to stress. In fact, in "down" periods of my life, I tend to eat less because I lose the excitement I glean from eating.

I had given up my lunchtime walks, exercise, and basically anything I enjoy apart from meeting friends for coffee, and would stuff my face at every turn. I had also decided to embrace my 10 lb weight gain and just be okay with it. I do think I still look good (not my skin, but in general), and my man loves the chub, like a lot, but I would have to expand my wedding dress... Now, after having decided to be okay with that, I have changed my mind. I realized that purely for the need to look elegant in my wedding dress, I would need to slim down just a bit. After the wedding it's no holds barred, but I really want to give myself a push to get out of this rut. The other important reason I want to get back in shape is to have the energy I used to have.

So yesterday I signed up for an auspiciously timed "transformation" challenge being held at a local gym. It's a place I have been before. I don't generally like the place because it's snooty, but some of their classes are excellent. Anyway, their program just happens to be the exact length I need (4 months, from March 22 to June 22). It involves 3-4 classes a week of my choosing, 2 detoxes (I will partake in them for the sake of the challenge), motivational meetings, weigh-ins and emails, 4 special classes and prizes. If I find the time, I will post about the experience, but with about 4 months to go until the wedding, I cannot make promises. In any case, I thought some of my readers who have struggled or still struggle with their eating/exercise/body image might want to see that you just have to keep getting back on that horse, no matter whether it's been 1 week off or 1 year... consistency and resiliency are the keys to success.

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