Saturday, August 31, 2013

Cook like a muh-fuhhhh!

I forgot to tell you my biggest revelation of the year: Thug Kitchen. Or maybe I didn't forget and I'm repeating myself, but I just have to share it with the world (and the limited group of friends who read this blog and already know about it)...

The site is hilariously vulgar (though it can get a bit old), but do not let it phase you: the recipes are killer.

Thug Kitchen is a Tumblr page run by some thug(s) who are vegan and provide funny food memes that also contain the recipes for how to make the dishes shown. So far I've made the potato salad twice and the chickpea/brocoli burritos about three times I think. Hairy and I are minutes away from tasting the stuffed peppers now.

So if you're in need of mostly simple recipes that are effing tasty and healthy, go to

Click on Archives at the bottom of the page and you'll then see a page full of small thumbnails. You can click on each one to see the funny description and find the recipe. Go effin' try it.

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